Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Plasticity Lab Conclusion
Yesterday, we did a lab which not only showed the property of plasticity, but also demonstrated in smaller form of how the mantle works. Firstly, while mixing the two ingredients, corn starch and water. The reason it was so difficult to stir is because the proportion of corn starch and water was unbalanced. Furthermore, the corn starch never really dissolved as the viscosity grew. When you pushed the mixture quickly, the indent was reasonably small, and went away at a rapid speed. However, when the mixture was pushed slowly; the indent was comparatively larger, and took much longer to erase. When rolled into a ball, the mixture tended to break apart easily, however it stayed solid when handled, however, when left alone on the palm of the hand, it melted into a liquid. Moreover, this relates in a smaller form of the properties of the mantle, that with heat and pressure, it stays solid.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Response to "October Sky"

Recently, the Omega unit viewed the movie "October Sky" featuring Jake Gyllenhaal. In this movie there were shared messages of science and also of good character. Several scenes depicted Homer Hickam completing intricate and complicated mathematic equations and processes in order to create his rocket. This is true for real life as well, because without math, scientific innovations would be quite impossible. In addition, Homer Hickam was able to prove his innocence of starting the fire at the mine solely due to mathematics. Furthermore, by using a parabola, he was able to prove that the rocket's full horizontal distance did not even reach the mine. Finally, without sciences such as physics and engineering Homer and his friends would never be able to complete such endeavors.
Secondly, throughout the movie Homer showed constant characteristics that brought him as far as he came. For example, by using perseverance, Homer was able to overcome the many obstacles he faced, including many non-supportive people such as his dad and his principal. Moreover, his perseverance proved that through anything, ones will can build barriers against the toughest things thought possible. In addition, all four friends showed cooperation. Without it, they would never be able to come to collaborative decisions. Above all, however, "October Sky" shows that an independent and determined mind will take you farther than anyone else's expectations.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Response to Phenylketonuria
Phenylketonuria is a extremely saddening disease, which effects mostly new borns. PKU is caused because of an excess amount of protein in the body. If not treated immediately, it could eventually result in brain damage. Initial symptoms include, eczema, seizures, musty odor, delayed development, behavioral problems, etc. Despite all this, PKU can be treated, for example, a low protein diet should be fed 7-10 days after the birth of the baby, additionally, "Kuvan", a medicine may be prescribed. This disease is most common amongst Asians and Whites. Personally, reading this saddened me not only for the victim, but also the family, because most commonly it affects infants, therefore, the baby you never even got to know, could die. In addition, it makes you wonder, that does a little infant really deserve such a short life, just because their alleles happen to carry a wrong mutation? However, despite my depressed attitude, it gave me hope, that there is still treatment, if the baby is regimented on a proper low-protein diet. Above all, though, I am most respectful towards the families and the victims who deal with this very unfortunate disease, and I revere that they understand first hand, that life is precious and short.
Fragile X Syndrome

Fragile X Syndrome, is a genetic disease, which is more common amongst males than females. This genetic disorder is the most common form of inherited mental impairment, which strikes 1 in 32000 Americans yearly. Many with Fragile X Syndrome, are often mistaken for people with autism, due to similar physical traits, and also behavioral similarities. Because this disorder is genetically passed, the problems that cause it start in the cell itself. For example, the average human has a mutation call FMRP (fragile x mental retardation protein) in some of their cells, however, those with Fragile X Syndrome, the FMRP mutation is absent, and instead have the FMR1 (fragile x mental retardation 1), gene in the DNA which makes up the x chromosone. This mutation causes the methylate the regulatory region of the FMR1, which turns it off; this triggers Fragile X Syndrome. Some of the symptons include- short attention span, poor eye contact, simian crease, hyper extensible MP joints, hand flapping, long faces, prominent ears, etc. In addition, a woman, even one who is only a carrier, can experience complications during pregnancy. Though there is no cure for Fragile X Syndrome at this time, treatment is available for many of the uncomfortable symptoms of it. Unfortunately, research has proven that Fragile X Syndrome patients' life spans are approximately 12 years shorter. Overall, researching this specific disease made me feel sadness for those who experience this terrible disease on a normal basis.
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
Moon and Venus to Meet on Friday Night (Science)

This Friday night, February 27, there will be one of the most sparkling spectacles of the winter. After sunset, a small crescent moon will appear right next to Venus. It will be especially visible, to those living in the West Hemisphere. The dominant scene will last for about three hours, and if you're lucky, you'll see it the day after, just before sunset. For years, planet Venus has appeared just as a faint crescent, in scientist's telescopes. However, as it approaches Earth, the view of the largest nine planets, has become clearer and clearer. Astronomer's call it the "greatest illuminated extent" of this planet. To make this spectacle even more dynamic, Venus and the moon will seem particularly three dimensional. Unfortunately, this phenomenon will be the last of its kind till the spring of 2010.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
'Forgotten' Fillipino World War II Veterans Will Finally Be Paid (Social Studies)

Sixty long years have passed, since America broke its promise to the faithful Fillipino soldiers who fought for on our country's side in World War II. The government will finally be sending checks to those soldiers, that is, the very few that are still alive. During the war, America promised that who every joined the war, would gain full veteran benefits, more than 250, 000 joined, however, in 1946, during the recession, President Truman was forced to sign the recession act, which would take that benefit away. Over half a century later, only 15, 000 troops are still living, less than a fraction of the original amount, according to the American Coallition for Fillipino Veterans. The newly released stimulus bill, by President Obama, has $198 million, specifically for paying back the Fillipino veterans. Citizens of the United States will receive $15 thousand, and non-citizens will receive $9, 000.
"I'm very thankful," said Patrick Ganio, 88, the coallition's president. "We Fillipino's are grateful people."
Tens of thousands of Fillipino soldiers, including Ganio, fought in the bloody battle of Bataan. Many were taken and beaten by Japanese troops, and then suffered from diseases such as malaria. However, despite all this, at the end, they went back to serving for the US military.
"The record of the Phillipine soldiers for bravery and loyalty is second to none," Truman wrote to leaders of the House and Senate in 1946. Their assignment today was as bloody and difficult as any in which our American soldiers engaged. Under desperate circumstances they acquitted themselves nobly."
Many historians say that the main reason the Fillipino soldiers were not paid, was evidently the financial struggle that our country was going through. To pay for the Fillipinos as well, would be a huge burden financially. However, the National Alliance for Fillipino Veterans Equity, states differently, they believe that at the time discriminating people of their color was a law, and this was just another act due to that. For decades, Fillipinos have had protests outside the White House and abroad, petitioning their rights and benefits. Though the remaining veterans are eternally grateful for the government finally fulfilling their duty, they boldy emphasize the fact that this does not erase the act of discrimination and unjustness, that has been affecting them for the past sixty years.
Monday, February 23, 2009
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