Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Response to Phenylketonuria

Phenylketonuria is a extremely saddening disease, which effects mostly new borns. PKU is caused because of an excess amount of protein in the body. If not treated immediately, it could eventually result in brain damage. Initial symptoms include, eczema, seizures, musty odor, delayed development, behavioral problems, etc. Despite all this, PKU can be treated, for example, a low protein diet should be fed 7-10 days after the birth of the baby, additionally, "Kuvan", a medicine may be prescribed. This disease is most common amongst Asians and Whites. Personally, reading this saddened me not only for the victim, but also the family, because most commonly it affects infants, therefore, the baby you never even got to know, could die. In addition, it makes you wonder, that does a little infant really deserve such a short life, just because their alleles happen to carry a wrong mutation? However, despite my depressed attitude, it gave me hope, that there is still treatment, if the baby is regimented on a proper low-protein diet. Above all, though, I am most respectful towards the families and the victims who deal with this very unfortunate disease, and I revere that they understand first hand, that life is precious and short.

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