When we see a typewriter, we probably think that it's old and that it is useless compared to our highly advanced society today. However, the typewriter plays a huge part in the standard keyboard we have today. In short, the keyboard is an innovation from the typewriter. Many people would say that the typewriter has its many flaws such as not being able to save, backspace, delete work, etc. That maybe true, however, as I said earlier the keyboard in an innovation of the typewriter. Therefore, though the keyboard is much more advanced than the typewriter, without the idea of the typewriter, the keyboard would fail to exist. For example, the entire idea of having keys to press on in order to make a print of letters, comes completely from the typewriter. In addition, if you think about it, the initial purpose of the keyboard is to make print. So next time you see an old, dusty typewriter in your grandmother's closet, know that it's affecting you every time you touch one of the keys on your computer.
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