Who: The architect, Dr. David Fisher.
What: Dr. David Fisher's plan is to create a skyscraper that can move in every direction, and all around 360 degrees. His dream is to have it made right in the center of it all, in the bustling city of Manhattan. Many people would have thought that the complex tower would have trouble creating electricity, however, the tower will supply it's own energy which will come from the horizontal wind turbines, which come from between each of it's 80 floors, and from solar photovoltaic cells from the roof of each story. As each individual floor moves, an estimated 20 percent of each roof is open to the sunlight at any time of the day.
Where: Dr. David Fisher's initial plan is to have his intricate towers in Manhattan. This plan may seem extremely ambitious, due to the current economic crisis, however, he has made similar towers for Dubai, which should occur within the next few weeks. In addition, to planning towers for Manhattan, Dr, Fisher has made plans to make these towers in Moscow.
When: Dr. Fisher's first plan for these towers was to be in Dubai, therefore, Dubai's towers will be arriving withing the next few weeks. Unfortunately, though, the towers for Manhattan and Moscow will at least take another couple of years.
Why: Dr. Fisher originally thought that it would be a spectacular idea to have a tower that could twist into different shapes night and day along the skyline of a city. Basically, his own interest by the thought lead him to the creation of the towers.
My Opinion: I believe the moving towers are a very inventive and creative idea that would add a great touch to any amazing city, such as Manhattan. I don't know about everyone else, but I would certainly love to look up into the sky and see something as magnifecent as Dr. Fisher's towers.
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