Monday, March 10, 2008

Get Ready For National Pi Day!!!

Who:Math geeks, students, quants, rocket scientists, teachers, students, your neighbors-and everyone else you would never expect to be a Pi fanatic!

What: These millions of people will gather on this very auspicious day to celebrate the ever so popular Pi! Not only will they be praising the beloved math symbol, they'll be eating it too! One of the activities is dropping the giant Pi symbol (similar to the ball drop on New Year's) at Pi Ground Zero. This year's celebration will be honoring Sir Isaac Newton, the person who bridged the change from the use by mathematicians of the tools of geometry, to further use in calculus. Every attendee will receive an official poster and t-shirt from National Pi Day with Sir Isaac Newton's picture on it.

Where: National Pi Day is a international holiday celebrated in cyberspace. This holiday is the first holiday to ever be celebrated on the web. Viewers online watch as the giant Pi symbol falls in Pi Ground Zero in New York.

When: National Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th every year because

the date 3/14 are the first three digits of Pi.

Why: National Pi Day was started because Pi fanatics around the world believed that Pi was such a great contribution to modern and past mathematical discoveries, and that it deserved it's own holiday.

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