Who: Sociologists Nicole Esparza of Harvard University, and Gabriel Rossman of California University
What: Ms. Esparza and Mr. Rossman used records from the Internet Movie Database(IMDB) to see what may affect a performer's oppurtunity to get a nomination. They discovered that the nominations go to people who performed in dramas ( an actor/actress starring in a drama is nine times more likely to get a nomination than a performer in a non-drama), who are female, people who have been nominated in the past, and who command a high rank in the movie-credit pecking order.
When: January 21, 2008
Where: UCLA and Harvard University
Why: Both Mr. Rossman and Ms. Esparza both noticed a certain conformity and guidelines to Oscar nominations. They decided that almost every performer nominated was under the same categories as listed above from about the years 1927- , and from there the research project was started.
My Opinion: I am against the fact that there are certain guidelines into which performers are nominated for an Oscar. No matter which genre of movie, it still requires the actor/actresses to work extremely hard. In addition, just because someone was nominated before, doesn't mean they are still good enough to be nominated again, and that someone else new isn't good, if not better.
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