Who: Kenneth Chang, Robert Bindschadler, along with many other scientists.
What: For the past year now, scientists across the world have stated in researches that Antarctica is finally cooling down, after fifty years of suffering from global warming. However, scientists Kenneth Chang, Robert Bindschadler, and others, believe that Antartica continues to warm. This theory is the result of researching the temperatures of the past half a century in the most southern region of the world. The section that the scientists believe is warming the most and the fastest, is the section that stretches towards South America. The overall research, will enormously help in the process of finally solving the climate crisis in Antarctica.
Where: The research took place mainly in the continent of Antarctica.
When:The research has been taking place for quite a few years now, and is an on going process.
Why: The scientists believe that in order to solve the entire global warming crisis, we must start with the place that suffers from it the very most, which happens to be Antarctica. In addition, this research will eventually play a huge part in getting our world one step closer when all creatures can live happily and peacefully without their environment being abolished.
My Opinion: I think the research that the scientists are conducting, will be extremely beneficial to the overall well being of our earth. In addition, knowing this new piece of information, will let us be aware of the crisis and help us solve it, instead of thinking wistfully that the warming has stopped.
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