As the months go on, and America experiences its hardest economic struggle in decades, the South Brunswick Food Pantry is affected as shelves are becoming emptier everyday. In addition, the number of unemployed residents is increasing in the township, therefore, more and more people are finding the need to turn to the food pantry. Records show that the number of families using the family increased from 25 to 40, over the course of one year. As a result, the amount of money being payed has increased significantly from $23, 000 in 2007, to astonishing $73, 000 last year. However, due to many kind souls in South Brunswick, the food pantry has been lucky to receive a donation everyday. The most needed items include canned meats such as chili, tuna fish, canned chicken, and beef stew. In addition, Parmalat boxed milk, diapers, coffee, and monetary donations, are also appreciated. For those who wish to donate the South Brunswick Food Pantry is located in the Municipal Building, 540 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction. Food is accepted 8:30 AM to 4:30 AM on weekdays.
Link: http://www.centraljersey.com/articles/2009/02/04/south_brunswick_post/news/doc4980d43f719eb599088632.txt
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